
01 April 2011

Life, Love and Randomness

Right now, life is a little hectic, but I cannot complain.  I am blessed far more than I deserve to be.  Momma S is having really good days and a lot of them, Praise the Lord!  My house is a wreck, but I have a roof over my head, Praise the Lord!  My laundry is piled up, but I have clothes to wear, Praise the Lord!  My job is a little crazy, but I am employed and get to work from home, Praise the Lord!

Right now, I am loved far more than I deserve to be.  My husband, D, loves me with every fiber of his being and he shows it in big and small ways.  We don't have a lot of time together because we alternate days being with Momma S, but quality is more important than quantity these days.  I love my husband and look forward to every moment we have together.

Random thoughts:
  • My brain is in creative mode right now.  I want to paint, I want to sew, I want to draw, I want to cut paper, I want to take my new camera and hit the road taking photographs.  Do I sound like the girl on Willy Wonka?  I WANT IT NOW!  I have artistic ADD.  I float from one idea to the other based on my current inspiration.  One major project that I already have planned in my head and on paper is a gift for D.  The whole hectic/time thing is a bit of a road block at the moment.
  • I am taking a vacation week starting April 11th.  Our sweet 7-year-old niece, C, wants to spend her spring break with us!  C is like our child and we are thankful she wants to spend her break with us.  We know there will come a day when Aunt M & Uncle D aren't so cool.  We have plans that week; art day, botanical gardens, game ranch - no swimming because her arm is in a cast until April 20th.  I am probably more excited than she is about it.
  • The abundance of flowers in our area has been a real boost to my spirits!  There is an explosion of color everywhere!  I don't have a green thumb, but my planters are doing great.  The pansies are plentiful and it won't be long before the snapdragons bloom. 
  • My church, Hebron Baptist Church in Dacula, has a new senior pastor, Kevin Miller.  He is younger than D and me.  I have enjoyed his preaching.  It doesn't feel like the preaching I grew up with - and that is a good thing.  Pastor Kevin is challenging all of us to get out of our comfort zone, he actually says we need to get uncomfortable, and get busy for the Lord through prayer, service and invitation.  We are challenged to pray for opportunities to speak to people about Christ, pray for wisdom, courage and boldness for when (not if) the opportunity presents itself, and invite people to Christ.  Working from home presents a different kind of challenge, but social networking presents a different kind of opportunity!  If you are reading this and you are in the metro-Atlanta area, I encourage you to join me in worship at Hebron Baptist Church.  I promise you will receive a wonderful blessing.  At each service, there is baptism, Praise the Lord!  The congregation claps in celebration and I cry with joy every single time!     
  • We take our dogs to Petsmart in Loganville to have their nails trimmed.  The only groomer we allow to handle our girls is Maria.  She is incredible with them and they respond well to her touch.  She soothes them with her voice and she kisses them on the head.  If Maria ever leaves, we will follow her...seriously!   
  • Prayer Requests
    • Momma S. - please pray that she will continue to have good days.  That all of us will stay on the same page with respect to her care.  That the hospice team will have the wisdom they need to care for her in the best way.
    • G, L, and the girls - please pray for this family, my family.  They are going through a very difficult time and are so broken right now.
    • C - that her arm will heal and be as good as new.
    • T & R - please pray for this mother & daughter.  God knows the need.
    • K - please pray for this precious child as she battles cancer for a second time - and she is only 7.  I know God can heal her and that is my prayer.
    • S & J - please pray for safety and protection as they finish up their teaching year in South Korea.
    • L - please pray for this little one that her cancer does not return!  Praise the Lord she was given a 'clean bill of health' recently.
So, how is that for RANDOM?  Maybe I have more than artistic ADD?  Focus, girl, focus!

Be well and be blessed!

1 comment:

  1. i hope you get some create time! it is always is such a relaxer for me :)
